Understanding Patient Types

Patient types are categorized by how they interact with the app.

There are three main patient type categories:
  • The aTouchAway / Simplified 
  • The Mobile / Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) 
  • The Basic Remote Patient Monitoring 

The Patient Types can be seen and applied when creating a new patient or editing a current patient.

The aTouchAway / Simplified 

The aTouchAway / Simplified patient will be given an Aetonix tablet that is pre-configured to follow the patient's care plan.  Any peripheral Bluetooth devices that this patient requires will be paired and configured beforehand.  The aTouchAway / Simplified patient simply turns on the device and has access to care.  

The user interface has simple, easy-to-understand buttons.  This interface may be customized based on the patient's needs in a particular setting or Care Pathway.  

The Mobile / Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) 

The Mobile / Bring Your Own Device patient will be using their own compatible computer, tablet or cellular phone to run the app.  This patient will need some level of comfort using tech as they will be required to download and install the app.  

The Basic Remote Patient Monitoring 

This patient's interaction with the app is minimal other than basic monitoring functions.  This is typically set up on an Aetonix tablet.